Thursday 17 October 2019



The Tratok token is a unique token which will be used on the Tratok Travel application to make bookings for travel and tourism services. Be it reserving a hotel room, booking a flight or renting a car, this multiplatform application will result in more economical, hassle-free arrangements for clients and service providers alike. By using blockchain technology to disrupt the existing business model, Tratok offers significant advantages over existing conventional platforms.  to make travel and tourism more profitable, transparent, free of fraud and fairer for all interested parties.

TEAM:   Proven professionals who have established a reputation and a track record in internationally recognized institutions.  Philippe Paillart - President.  With decades of experience leading some of the world's leading banks and multinational companies, Mr. Paillart's industry experience, guidance and connections are of immeasurable value to the Tratok Project.  Tratok Ltd exists in the real world, not just on paper.  AIRDROP AND REWARDS  Tratok, for each referred member who registers in the free aidrops, 

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Thursday 2 July 2015

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Wednesday 24 September 2014

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Tuesday 22 October 2013

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